Why Your Travel Nurse Agency Needs a Clinical Team

We know there are a lot of travel nurse agencies out there and that you have a lot of choice when it comes to which agency you want to work with. That’s why we aim to make our process as transparent and honest as possible. Like we say, if that assignment near the ocean is no day at the beach, we’ll shoot you straight and be totally honest about it.

Another way we work to protect our healthcare pros is to fully staff an agency clinical team. Our clinical team is made up of actual nurses. That’s right, every member of our clinical team has worked as a nurse and many of them have been travel nurses in their previous careers. They’re here to help you through every clinical situation or issue you may have and they’re available by email, phone or even text message.

Wondering what the clinical team can do? Let’s walk through some scenarios that you might see in your travels.

Pre-Assignment Interview

You might talk to our clinical liaisons even before you take an assignment with Triage. Our clinical liaisons sometimes chat with travelers to go over their experience and expertise before stepping foot on a floor as a traveler. While our recruiters do go through an extensive training program to learn about different specialties and the experience needed to work in certain areas of the hospital, it can’t compare to an actual RN’s experience. They’re able to talk through your experience and knowledge in order to best place you in the right facility. After all, if you’ve never worked in a teaching hospital or trauma center, throwing you into a fast-paced assignment could be a recipe for disaster. And we want you to be successful, so that’s why we may pull in our clinical team in a pre-assignment interview.

Questions on Pre-assignment Modules

Most assignments will require you to complete some modules before you can start. While most of these should be fairly simple, every once in a while there’s a question that might trip up even the most seasoned travel nurses. Whether it’s something you haven’t seen in a while or is something more common in another specialty, our clinical team can help talk you through the right answers for some of these questions. More importantly, they’ll help you learn what’s the right answer, not just give you the answer.

Safety Concerns

No matter what safety concerns you may have, your clinical liaison is your first step in getting them fixed. Whether you have concerns over patient safety or ratios, the Triage clinical liaisons will be able to help you address them. In the worst case scenario, your liaison will be able to work with your recruiter to end your assignment and help you find a new one. While this is rare, know that we’re here to help protect you and our clinical team is standing by to help.

Clinical Concerns

Clinical concerns are another way your clinical liaison can help. Worried about how your unit is handling a certain task or have a question on how something should be handled? The clinical team will listen to your concerns and talk you through scenarios that can help you work through whatever issue you’re having.

Want to work with a team who has your back every step of the way? Connect with a recruiter today or visit our board that’s full of available travel nurse jobs (including pay estimates!).