Rehab Therapy

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Black History Month: Wimberly Edwards, MS, OTR

This year, we’re continuing our recognition of Black History Month, highlighting prominent Black figures in medicine. This week, we’re highlighting Wimberly Edwards, MS, OTR. Ms. Edwards was born and raised in Harlem and studied occupational therapy at New York University and Boston University. She soon worked as a clinician, supervisor and eventually an administrator and […]
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Occupational Therapy Month: Eleanor Clarke Slagle

Eleanor Clarke Slagle is known as the mother of occupational therapy. She began her studies at the Chicago School for Civics and Philanthropy in 1911, but became interested in occupational therapy while she was visiting the Kankakee State Hospital.  In 1912, she founded the department of occupational therapy at Johns Hopkins University. She worked to […]
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