Why Everyone Should Be a Traveling Medical Pro at Least Once

An adventure! An escapade! Living life on the capital E.D.G.E. while working at a job you love (plus getting paid to explore a new city.) You in yet? No? That’s ok, we didn’t expect to get you on board with the first sentence. We like a challenge. Still reading? Cool, we’ve compiled a list of 3 simple reasons you should be a  traveling medical professional at least once in your career.


Reason #1: Travel, travel, travel!

Uprooting from your comfortable network of familiar faces, family and friends is no easy feat. You may say to yourself, “Hey, I’m comfortable I know what I’m doing here, I know what to expect from my surroundings, I eat the same bowl of soup from the hospital cafeteria every day.”

You’re comfortable, but are you taking advantage of the very versatile health industry? You know the  health market that pays you to travel? Do you know how many accountants wish they could be a “traveling accountant?” It’s a lot (we bet) but there simply isn’t a market for “traveling accountants.” Traveling medical professionals? They’ve got an industry, a full-fledged industry ready to take on many traveling healthcare professionals. Here at Triage we’ve got information about the travel healthcare industry flooding our website .

Here are some reasons you should take your career to the road:

New insights into different parts of the country (hello, New Orleans!)

  • Change of climate, tired of winter or (tired of never having winter?) travel somewhere with a completely different climate. (Get a tan, or learn how to drive in snowy weather, completely up to you!)
  • Grow as a person, adapt to new environments and sharpen your talents professionally.
  • Be a temporary resident of a really cool city, invite your friends to visit and then blow their minds with the newfound knowledge of your temporary home.

Reason #2: Money, money, money

Traveling medical professionals make bank, let us spell out this traveling medical pro salary thing out for you (it’s our favorite thing to do!) Dollar, dollar bills yo, take for example a traveling nurse who gets paid on average about  $40 an hour which is more than the usual $33.55 registered (non-traveling) nurses make. Or take for example a traveling radiologist those of whom are expected to see a 28% hike in employment demand by 2020, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Demand for travel nursing is expected to increase by 10% this year due to declining unemployment, which raises demand by increasing commercial admissions to hospitals,” says Staffing Industry Analysts, a research firm.

The travel health industry is no doubt a lucrative one, which especially comes in handy when dealing with  hefty student loan debt.

“Many travelers are compensated extremely well for their work as they go from one assignment to another. In addition, travelers also receive housing and expense stipends as well as their compensation.” – Triage Staffing

Reason #3: Invaluable experiences, invaluable experiences, invaluable experiences

If you can’t tell by now this article is heavily laden with Jan Brady undertones (the pro traveling medical professional version of Jan Brady, that is.)

It’s a well-known opinion that travel is essential to the very development of our personalities, one can scroll through lists, and lists of inspirational travel quotes from the likes of Susan Sontag and Mark Twain. However getting out there to see what you’re truly missing for yourself is imperative to the burgeoning question,  “To travel or not to travel?”

For us the answer is simple.  Choosing a traveling career is a choice laden with multiple advantages.

The invaluable experience you gain from the travel medical industry is one harbored in two distinct categories:

1. Learning to adapt to new skills in a new setting, sharpening the very tool you spend most of your schooling learning to perfect, medical techniques and adaptation.

2. Gaining real world experience, not every hospital is the same. You can learn a lot from different facilities procedures and protocols. And of course traveling to a new city, setting yourself up, and earning competitive pay is a category with valuable components all in itself.

Now that you’ve completed reading our post about the many advantages of the traveling medical field, do some research yourself. See if the traveling medical gambit is for you. Visit our website, sign up for a travel nurse jobs alert and add some spice to your daily career!