COVID Update

One reality of the past year and a half has been the presence of new and ever-changing information. Your ability to be flexible and resilient in this season has been crucial. We ensure you that we will make updates as we receive new information, but we want to share what we know right now regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. 

  1. To-date, some facilities have started to communicate that the vaccine is mandatory. As always, we will be required to follow each individual facility’s protocol. If you elect to not vaccinate, please work with your recruiter to find an assignment where it is not mandated.  
  2. Now that the vaccine is widely available, Triage will no longer offer quarantine pay if you are required to quarantine by your facility. Any work hours missed due to quarantine will be unpaid.  
  3. When receiving your vaccination (Steps 1 and 2), be sure to retain your proof of vaccination and send a copy to your recruiter. We will maintain this information with other credentialing documentation should it be needed. 
  4. There will be no cost to you for the vaccine. However, you may be asked for your insurance information as some facilities may charge an administration fee for the vaccine which will be covered by your insurance company. Should you be uninsured, this fee can be covered by the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Provider Relief Fund. 
  5. Demographic and personally identifiable data may be requested as part of the vaccination process. This tracking is due to the emergency authorization use of the vaccines. Travelers should comply to the extent they are comfortable with the requests for data upon receipt of vaccine. 
  6. Information will be distributed to anyone receiving the vaccine regarding any potential side effects prior to receiving their dose(s). If not readily available, travelers should ask for this information. Information for healthcare professionals can also be found on the CDC website. 

We know that information could change at any time. We will continue to provide updates as we are able. If you have any questions, please contact your recruiter or email us directly at