Let’s be friends…with travel nurse benefits.

All about allied and travel nurse benefits.

With Triage, life on the road doesn’t mean leaving your benefits behind.

If you’re considering a job as a healthcare traveler, one of the first questions you’re probably asking yourself is ‘do travel nurses get benefits?’ And allied travelers, everything here applies to you too. We don’t want you to feel left out.

Travel nursing and healthcare travel in general comes with a lot of benefits, but here we’re specifically talking about healthcare and 401k benefits. Day One healthcare and 401k benefits.

Coverage on Day One of your travel assignment

Triage’s allied and travel nurse benefits allow you to create the benefits plan that fits your family’s needs. From Day One medical, dental and vision insurance, to a 401k Safe Harbor match and even discounted pet insurance, our benefits allow you to mix and match so you have a plan that works for you.

Kalli W., Triage Traveler

 Health Coverage

We offer Day One (yup, very first day on assignment) comprehensive, nationwide plans that include a Health Savings account. Triage offers Day One medical insurance that will cover you nationwide. After all, what good is an insurance network if it’s only available in your home state or where your agency is located? At Triage, we even have two different plan options, which means that you’re able to choose what’s right for you and your family. And yeah, it all starts on the first day of your assignment. No wait times here.


We’ve honestly never understood why insurance for your teeth is separate from the rest of your body. But it is, so here we are and we’ve got your chompers covered with MetLife. Triage dental coverage is also available with Day One coverage, so if you need a dental cleaning, you’ll be covered with Triage. Like the medical plan, there are providers throughout the country so you can visit the dentist no matter where you are in the country.


And while we are at it, why are eyes covered separately? Regardless, your peepers can be covered through our MetLife vision plan. Just like the medical and dental plan, the Triage vision insurance kicks in on Day One and has a nationwide network of providers so it’s easy to find a provider for an eye exam, glasses or contacts.


With our 401k plan, you can start contributing immediately as soon as you receive your first paycheck. Plus we offer a Safe Harbor matching contribution after you’ve worked for Triage for one year and completed at least 1000 hours. That’s called free money.