Flu Vaccine FAQs for Triage Travelers

Frequently Asked Flu Vaccine Questions

Can I get the vaccine on my own?

Yes, this is preferred with the high volume of flu vaccines we encounter each season. You will be reimbursed for the cost of the vaccine. Below is a list of recommended locations:

  • Walgreens
  • CVS
  • Local health department’s website may have a vaccine finder for your area
  • Local grocery stores with pharmacies
  • Concentra Urgent Cares

If you are having issues finding a location- please reach out to [email protected] for assistance.

Flu vaccination documentation must contain the following information:

  1. Your full name
  2. Your DOB
  3. The date the vaccine was given with language stating it was administered
  4. The name of the person giving the vaccine
  5. The lot number of the vaccine

NOTE: The Triage Flu Consent form includes all necessary information needed

Pharmacy receipts and prescriptions are NOT accepted (examples below)


Where do I send my flu vaccine once received?

What if I am declining the flu vaccine?

  • Please email [email protected] to ask them to send you the declination via e-signature
  • Note: There may be facility specific declinations that need to be signed. Some facilities will only accept medical/religious declinations (may require supporting documentation) or may not accept declinations at all

How do I get reimbursed for my flu vaccine cost?

  • Email a copy of the flu vaccine documentation and receipt to your recruiter

Can I wait until my facility is administering the vaccine on site?

  • Yes, if you still meet the facility deadline to submit the flu documentation and the documentation meets Triages flu requirements

I got my flu vaccine in October/November/December/etc. of last year. Do I need to get it now or can I wait until it expires?

  • There is a new flu vaccine created for every annual flu season. Vaccines given last October, November or December technically expire at the start of the current season, which occurs September 2024. You will be required to have new flu documentation on file by the deadline set by your facility. Deadlines will be communicated by the Triage team as they approach

For any questions regarding the flu season requirements: Email [email protected] or for urgent needs email [email protected].